The organization have prepared special packages for teams participating on the EuroLax Sixes Cup, ensuring the most competitive prices you can have in the city while you stay in clean, safe and comfortable accommodations located at walking distance to the venue or in the nearby beach village of Monte Gordo.
- Hotel accommodation for 3 nights in twin/triple/quadruple occupancy rooms;
- Half-board basis (Breakfast and lunch) with drinks included (excludind alcoholic drinks);
- Shuttle transfers to/from the Tournament Venue and your Hotel;
- Event registration and Team Fee;
- Water for Games;
- Referee’s fee;
- Medical Team Assistance;
- Phisyoteraphy Assistance;
- Streaming of selected games;
- Cups and medals for winning teams;
- Touristic City Taxes;
- Local assistance.
Not included:
- Airport Transfers;
- Training sessions;
- Extra nights;
- Single Room supplement;
- Full-Board supplement;
Items mentioned as not included can be quoted upon request.

Accommodation will be located in the nearby village of Monte Gordo. The venue and the hotels are conected by a 3km road.
Walking distance accommodation option will also be offered.
Hotels and the venue will be connected by tournaments shuttle buses throughout the competition days.